How to be a Successful Entrepreneur in SA

building the business

For starters allow us to first define what an entrepreneur is before we tell you on how to be a successful as one. An entrepreneur is someone who starts up a business taking on financial risks in the pursuit of profit

building the business

Tips on Being a Successful Entrepreneur

Know  Yourself

The most important part about being an entrepreneur is knowing yourself. This means knowing who you are and what you want to do. Do a skills analysis to know what can and cannot do. But in order to be able to do this, you need to know your strengths and weaknesses. At the same time know what you want and have your mind set up to it.

Business Plan

As an entrepreneur you will have to start a business, and to do so you need to have a business plan. What it is you have to offer and how different it is from what is already out there. This are an important question to answer as you do the market research. Also, find out the demand for the product that you want to supply or the skill that you have to offer.

Be Prepared

“Hope for the best, expect the worst” (Mel Brooks). This means that you should be prepared for anything that comes your way. This is because things will not always go as you planned, especially when it comes to the finances, you best is to be prepared for disappoints every now and again.

Be Patient

“Good things take time” (John Wooden). Remember that you are a start-up and things won’t start making the big bucks immediately. You need to be patient and eventually, things will work out. Even though you get knocked out every now and again, just pick yourself up and carry on.


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