Online Table Games or Online Slots, Who Wins?

online table games or Online slots, who wins

The two main categories of online casino games are online table games and online slots. However, with the technology changes live dealer games and VR casinos are coming in. The latter still manage to make up the bulk of casino games. Anyways, that is not the topic of the day, what we want to know is what is the choice of casinos games, will go for the online table games or online slots?

online table games or Online slots, who wins
Table Games Vs Slot Games

Table Games?

Table games are quite fascinating to play. Contrary to popular belief, the table is quite easy to learn, though mastering the art may be a bit challenging. This is because table games are purely games of chance, meaning to say that, winning or losing is purely up to luck. Not sure if its luck or fate. However, despite this fact, one can deploy a few strategies as they play.
Another thing about table games is that they have a lesser house edge, therefore are easier to win. Furthermore, table games have no Random Number Generator that people do not seem to like so much.

How about Online Slots?

Then there are online slots if you think table games are easy, and then you have not tried slots. All that you have to do is select bet size, the betting range and you good to go. The best part about online slots is that there is such a wide variety as compared to the table games. Another thing about slots is that one can manage to play with a limited bankroll and still strike gold.
Then there is the issue of progressive jackpots. Both slots and table games have progressive jackpots, however, one of the slots tends to be a bit bigger as compared to the one for table games.

So Who Wins?

The question still stands, online table games or online slots? Well, we do not know that answer to that, all we can say is play where the fun is. And trust us, the fun is at Punt Casino.