Spring is Creeping In…

spring in sa

The cold winter is finally coming to an end and spring is creeping in. It has been one cold winter, not the coldest, but it has still been rather cold. And finally, we can kiss it goodbye till next year.

What to do this Spring…..

spring in saThere are hundreds of things that you can do with your time this spring. After washing and nicely packing all those thick coats and boots. You will still have a lot of free time on your hands. So how about we suggest a few things to keep you occupied during your free time.

Amazing Games and Promotions

As always here at South Africa’s N#1 casino we have games, games and more games. The games will just keep coming and keep getting better. All you have to do is to log in and play. This should be so much easier since you will have to play with gloves on. Other than the games, we have amazing promotions and free spins on selected games. Just stay tuned to find out more.


Since winter is nearly over, spring is the perfect time for you to go hiking. Why do we say so? Well, this is because winter is too cold and summer is too hot. This makes spring the perfect to go hiking. It is the time best to get some exercise since we know that it’s been cold and we have been feeling rather lazy to go to the gym.

Wild Flowers

Spring in South Africa is the time of new life. All the flowers that were afraid of the cold, blossom and bloom. The trees look greener and best of all the views are amazing. To see all the amazing flowers you can always head to Van Stadens Wildflower Reserve or Oorlogskloof Nature Reserve. Trust us, it will definitely be worth the drive.